Make a Difference: Vote and Donate
Since there was no news today, I wanted to bring up two items. First, something cool, and then something far more meaningful:
-Voting for the 20 Biggest Moments in Disney’s Hollywood Studios is going to close this Friday at Midnight and I just wanted to make sure you have all been able to vote. If you had problems voting before, you will want to try again, we have fixed the problems and everyone should now be able to choose what they think are the 20 biggest moments in the park’s history. After voting closes, we will tally the votes and air your choices on the WDW News Today Podcast in special segments as we count down to the 20th anniversary of the Studios on May 1, 2009. You can vote HERE, make sure you select 20 options!!!
-We have begun our annual fundraising efforts for “Toys for Tots”, who of course provides Toys during the holiday season to children of families who can not afford them. I’ve personally been giving to this charity all of my life and hope you will join me in supporting this cause. Of course, Toys for Tots was one of Walt Disney’s favorite causes and it was Disney artists who created the first “toy train” logo for the organization. That being said, I know it’s a tough time for many financially, but I hope that you will donate what you can to this great charity by going HERE or by using the widget in our right sidebar.