MouseTimes Innoventions Dream Home Update
The latest DLR Pictorial offers the best look so far at the new Innoventions Dream Home. Here are a few of MouseTimes’s photos from the Dream Home:
An interactive racing game
One of the new rotating stages (where Tom Morrow previously was)… This is the only one finished as far as I know
One of the many HP computers running Windows
The Girl’s Room
From this screen, you can adjust things such as music, lighting, blinds, etc.
A camera or mirror (not sure what its use is yet)
The Pirates Room for boys
Cast Members tell the story of Peter Pan, which is projected on the wall
Modern appliances in the Kitchen
The office in the back of the Living Room
The Tree of Tomorrow is still there
MouseTimes also has up full video coverage of the opening ceremony for Toy Story Midway Mania, which is available for download here!