Jose Eber’s 11/15/08 WDW Photo Report

Here is another fantastic photo (and video) report by WDWNT Photographer Jose Eber from his latest trip to the world:

Refurbishments on the Fantasyland facades has now moved on to Pinnocchio’s Village Haus

Work is now 100% complete on the new Liberty Square Bridge, no more work in the waterways

Christmas has now taken over Main Street U.S.A.

Tinker Bell movie merchandise has taken over some of the windows

This window that was full of Year of a Million Dreams merchandise has been changed, the first piece of the celebration to disappear with just about a month and a half left in it.

Fresh paint going on another facade on Main Street

Moving over to Disney’s Contemporary Resort, the Contempo Cafe is now open


Here’s a video of the Cafe (boy is it loud on that floor now)

The Holiday napkins have arrived

New promotion, similar bag… 🙁

Continuing construction on the Bay Lake Tower addition

An arial view of the bridge

The lesser seen side of the Bay Lake Tower

Click the above image for a larger version


Here’s a video of the construction on the Bay Lake Tower Jose has taken

Chocolate Advent character with some awesome artwork

Same can be said for these holiday cards

We’ll end this report by looking at this cool recordable gift card holder, again featuring that artwork we love so much

Thanks for the update Jose!!!

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